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The History of Printers

31 October 2013

Printing has a long history, primarily due to humankind’s desire to keep records of events and ideas.
However, computer printing really took hold with the first high speed printer, launched in 1953 by Remington Rand. This was followed by IBM’s dot matrix in 1957 and the first laser printer in 1971.

IBM delivered the first high speed laser printer in 1976. The device delivered 100 impressions a minute and combined laser technology with electro photography.
Inkjet printers were launched in 1980 and soon made dot matrix technology obsolete. Later on, laser printers began to fall in price in the 1990s as manufacturers made major production advances.
Liquid inkjet printers soon became popular with everyday users due to their quality and low cost. The device pushes ink droplets of varying sizes onto paper. Solid inkjet printers use thermal sticks to turn solid masses of ink into liquid and cast the impression onto paper. They are ideal for printing onto transparency paper or other solid media.