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Fast Service or Helpful Service?

28 May 2012

If your business can find a system to provide fast and helpful service, you are likely to be very successful at whatever it is you do, as these days, few people have much time to waste. Sometimes the key is not allowing your business to get too big, or just being smart about putting on extra staff during the busy periods. Often there are simple changes that can make all the difference. Here is a brief look at providing customer service that is both fast and helpful.
The full package
People really do want it all when it comes to customer service, and considering how much some items cost these days it is fair enough to have high expectations. If you run a business and want your customers to go home satisfied with plans to return, you’re going to have to provide fast and helpful service.

Set reasonable expectations
While you should obviously do the best possible job as quickly as possible, it is important that you are able to properly take care of the needs of each customer, so make it clear how long people will likely need to wait before you will get to them. This is where number systems are so effective, as they allow people to leave and return later on to their place in ‘the line’.
As long as you provide quality service, your customers will generally be happy to endure the time it takes to be served, so be upfront about how long it will be. Offering free tea, coffee or snacks to waiting customers is a smart idea too, and can make the wait seem not quite so long.
Wireless POS
Wireless point-of-sale devices have proven to be a huge boost in terms of the ability of a business to provide service that is both fast and helpful. With these hand-held cordless machines, a transaction can be started and finished in any part of the premises, meaning your customers won’t even have to go to the cash register before heading out. POS paper is even more helpful as receipt paper, as it eliminates the need for messy ink cartridge changes.
Self serve
Supermarkets and airlines have embraced self-serve kiosks in a big way, helping to cut the costs of labour as well as make the whole process far more efficient. In the case of grocery stores, customers are able to scan, bag and pay for purchases themselves, with a staff member usually standing by in case any additional assistance is needed. Similarly, information kiosks in bookstores allow for customers to get the help they require without needing to find a staff member first, and some retail outlets even have public access computers where you can check to see if a certain product is available in stock.
Depending on what it is you do, there will be a limit to how fast your service can be. However, you can always be more helpful, so give your customers reasons to keep coming back.